New Deadly Disease Worse Than HIV That Condoms Can't Stop (Must Read)

new deadly STD
Unmarried men too seem to prefer condoms as the popular method to protect against STIs. But for a virus whose disease has no symptoms, the inefficacy of condoms allows for faster and wider spread, especially amongst those with multiple s*x partners. The only 100 per cent effective way to prevent HPV transmission is abstinence from any s*xual contact, including oral, an*l, and vaginal s*x. That ‘oops’ moment when women’s emergency pills backfire Since abstinence may not be a realistic option, Dr Mugo advises remaining monogamous while in a relationship, vaccination and screening for women. Women can also pass viruses without having any symptoms.But the chance of females infecting men is estimated at less than five per cent of the rates of male-to-female transmission. There are more than 100 types of HPV and about 13 of these are cancer causing, with HPV types 16 and 18 causing approximately 70 per cent of all cervical cancers worldwide. Sadly, it’s physically difficult to tell whether your partner has the HPV virus unless they have private part warts, yet those who do not have visible signs can also spread the virus. The other interesting aspect of this particular virus is that you do not need to have s*x for it to be passed on from one person to another. The virus is found in the flora of the man-hood, scrotum, vag1na, vulva@, or anu$ of a person who has the HPV. One can get infected through kissing or touching an infected s*x organs or through oral $’x.
